Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2012«

20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makes

February 13, 2012


I am a word nerd.  Sometimes a word nazi.  Which is why I love The Oatmeal.  Many times, it’s painful going on Facebook, reading all the common misspellings like “you’re/your” and “they’re/their/there”….. but I just cringe and say nothing. I came across an article written by Jon Gingerich and he pointed out 20 common grammar […]

Passing notes

February 7, 2012


Ah, a fond memory I think we all have: being in class and passing notes during the time you’re supposed to be paying attention.   Wasn’t it the best?  Remember how you’d get creative with it?: pretending to stretch and dropping it on the other person’s desk… getting up to sharpen your pencil and dropping it […]

In Soviet Russia, Dog Teach YOU

February 7, 2012


"Like an express train, barreling down the tracks, it hit me. I should be more like my dog." What I learnt from my dog about being mindful and conscious and how you can add mindfulness to your days.

The Spaniard and the Man in Black

February 1, 2012


I love The Princess Bride. It's a classic. And this scene had an amazing dynamic between the two characters in it. Set up: The Dread Pirate Roberts is climbing the cliffs of insanity in pursuit of the men who have kidnapped Buttercup. Inigo is waiting (impatiently) at the top so that he may kill him.