Browsing All posts tagged under »mistakes«

20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makes

February 13, 2012


I am a word nerd.  Sometimes a word nazi.  Which is why I love The Oatmeal.  Many times, it’s painful going on Facebook, reading all the common misspellings like “you’re/your” and “they’re/their/there”….. but I just cringe and say nothing. I came across an article written by Jon Gingerich and he pointed out 20 common grammar […]

I’ve Learned…

November 22, 2011


Within my lifetime, I've learned many things... especially over the past 6 years. Life will mess a person up. If you don't sit back and think about things, you can spend the rest of your life frustrated and confused. Here are a few things I've gleaned from my observances and interpersonal experiences.