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“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ~ C.G. Jung

August 8, 2012


A few months ago, on a Tuesday morning, a man went out alone on a routine run into the New Mexico wilderness.  When he didn’t come back, his friends grew worried.  Rescue teams were sent out in search of him and he was found Saturday night, leaning against some rocks next to a creek, his […]

“If you do not like the world you see, try changing the prescription of your glasses.” ~Swami Muktananda

April 17, 2012


What do you think of when you hear the word "power"? ... There are three types of power; positional, situational and personal; but I'm going to focus on personal power here... Personal power is the full expression of who you are everyday, everywhere and the sense of fulfillment that comes from living a life based on authenticity, conscious choice and accountability. It is power that you have complete control over. It's what you think about you and it can be developed and enhanced, which presents an opportunity for continuous improvement.....


April 3, 2012


Before reading this blog post from Luau, I was bellyaching about the rough day I was having.  My car this… my class that… my jacket the other…  Boy oh boy, his post shut me up fast.  There’s always someone who has had a worse day.  And I really felt for him.  I’ll tell you what, […]

Add to the Love in the World

April 3, 2012


So, how do we add to the Love in the world? First, we remove all that is not Love from ourselves. The fear, cynicism, anxiety, and jealousy that keeps us snarky & small. Next — or rather, concurrently — we find ways to become living emblems of Love. .....

Life of Something New

March 16, 2012


Just a quick shout to Halley at Life of Something New.  She has a cool project going on that encourages others to make this world a little bit smaller by introducing the people in it to one another.  I think this is an awesome endeavor and makes for some interesting new bloggy discoveries.  She’s calling […]

In Soviet Russia, Dog Teach YOU

February 7, 2012


"Like an express train, barreling down the tracks, it hit me. I should be more like my dog." What I learnt from my dog about being mindful and conscious and how you can add mindfulness to your days.

Get It?

December 30, 2011


Everyone in this world is going through something. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that; then our problems won't seem so bad. Stop focusing so much on ourselves and how much we were put out or hurt and have compassion for our fellow humans.

Feeling Lonely?

December 23, 2011


If you are at first lonely, be patient. If you've not been alone much, or if when you were, you weren't okay with it, then just wait. You'll find it's fine to be alone once you're embracing it. ....

“If it seems a childish thing to do, do it in remembrance that you are a child.” ~Frederick Buechner

December 16, 2011


Where was it along the path of our growing up that you lost your wide-eyed, enthusiastic, wondrous outlook on life? When was the last time you made a cushion/blanket castle? How much fun do you have each day? What holds you back? Recapture the childlike qualities to enjoy your life.


November 27, 2011


It seems this is going to get recycled and passed around some.  I just saw this video over at Sarah’s blog and it is lovely, so I found I needed to repost it.  Very inspiring.  If you want to do something, do it.  Make connections with your fellow human beings.  Be something your 13-year-old self […]

I’ve Learned…

November 22, 2011


Within my lifetime, I've learned many things... especially over the past 6 years. Life will mess a person up. If you don't sit back and think about things, you can spend the rest of your life frustrated and confused. Here are a few things I've gleaned from my observances and interpersonal experiences.

A Word on Gratefulness and Mindfullness

November 21, 2011


As humans, we usually will go through most of our days on automatic pilot, not really paying attention to the mundane. But in doing that, you could actually be missing out on some really amazing and/or important things.